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What exactly is COACHING?


Coaching is a future-focused talking intervention that helps you sharpen your vision and achieve your goals. It raises your self-awareness by helping you explore questions about who you are, what you want, why you want it and how you're going to get it!


Why does coaching matter?


You don’t have to search very far to find demotivated and deactivated people in this day and age. Working within mental health services, I see discouraged people every day. My years of experience have led me to believe that, to some extent, the rising rates of low mood and low confidence can be reduced by helping to make the future feel less scary and less hopeless. Coaching can help to give you some of your “oomph” back when you get stuck somewhere along the way!


How does Ellementes  coaching work?


We begin with a FREE intake session in which we get to know each other better and I try to understand more about your values, beliefs and driving forces.


The middle sessions are the ones that you invest in. I teach you a clear model for conquering goals one step at a time. I use questions to raise your awareness, help you dream in high definition, help you brainstorm and help you come up with action plans that we review in the following session.


We end with a FREE review session that helps you to reflect on your learning points throughout the coaching journey, remember your successes and think about how to apply them to future goals. 


About me and Coaching


I first became interested in coaching back in 2013 when I attended an introductory course but due to my Psychiatry training, I didn’t feel as though I would be fully able to focus on it. However, by 2017, I had no more medical exams to complete and figured that it was as good a time as any to get started! I spent two years training with The Coaching Academy and gained a Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching in early 2019, after roughly a hundred hours of coaching practice clients.


What else do you need to know about me as a personal development coach? I am a coach who is being coached! I think that it’s really important for every coach to be constantly bettering themselves personally and professionally and that is why I still engage in fortnightly coaching for myself. Also, I am a natural coach. It is in my nature to encourage others, to reflect and engage in problem-solving and to support others in finding creative solutions. My combination of idealism and realism means that I’m constantly encouraging you to dream big whilst also bringing you back down to earth and asking how you’re going to make those big things happen one small step at a time! As your coach, I don't change your life or your mindset. Instead, I walk alongside you and guide you whilst you change it yourself!

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