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“From whom much is given,

much is required.”

My name is Eleanor Akaho and I am a Londoner in my thirties. I'm an old soul with a youthful spirit; a sociable introvert with a good balance of crazy and calm! I live by the quote “From whom much is given, much is required” and, as a result, it is rare to find me without at least one project on the go! 


I am blessed to be both a dreamer and a doer, making it possible for me to achieve many of the goals I set myself between the ages of five and twenty-five. These have included learning to value my inner and outer beauty, appearing on a TV gameshow (and pressing the buzzer to my heart’s content), travelling to over twenty countries, mentoring and sponsoring girls abroad. I have also had my writing shared in blogs and a poetry anthology, and I recently released my first children’s book, "Everybody Counts"I say all of this not to boast, but to highlight the fact that simple goal-setting, coupled with motivation to do the groundwork, can help you get what you want out of life.


So with all of this going on, what made me decide to train as a life coach? Quite simply, I have always taken joy in watching others succeed and doing this professionally really appeals to me. Recently, I've become more and more concerned about the number of people seeking medication for problems linked to feeling lost or purposeless, especially young people. I believe that many (but not all) people in such situations would fare better from processes such as coaching and mentoring that encourage them to take action towards creating the lives they want.  


In some ways, modern life is getting tougher and tougher. Our thoughts often roam like free radicals when we try to focus on a given task. I find that having a life coach helps to both ground and uplift me. The more I do, the more I feel empowered to do. Through Ellementes, I hope to utilise my power to help you identify, maximise and utilise yours. 

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